Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I do not know what I wish to write about
I only know that I wish to write
The desire to put letters together on paper to form words
(to type letters words lines on a keyboard)
is irresistible.

From where does this need come
Whose idea was it, originally, to write
to use paper as a memory aide
a way to pass things on
a method of sharing

I will be forever grateful for the ability to read and write.
The connection our brains make to decipher symbols/letters and understand their meaning...
think about it.
Really, think about it.

It's awesome.astounding.marvelous.indescribable.

Words: the written representations of spoken sounds
(says my dictionary; who else am I to ask but that grand authority/guru?)

No longer topicless;
the topic shall always be the words that are

PS: a pretty picture for your enjoyment. outside a hotel room in Fredericksburg, TXjug

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