Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Now that I'm 18 I can...

1. Buy cigarettes, lottery tickets, duck tape, and things off infomercials.

Awesome. I never intend to smoke, and I'll probably never gamble. I wasn't aware that duck tape was a banned substance, but apparently teenagers have been known to smoke it (what the junk? what is wrong with humanity?). Pretty much everything I like on infomercials ends up at Target or Bed, Bath, & Beyond anyway, so why pay the exorbitant shipping of an infomercial? Plus, I don't stay up that late anymore; I'm an old lady.

2. Go to actual jail.

So when I get in trouble for all of those bad things I do, I won't end up in juvie. I can go to the legit clinker. Sweetness.

3. Get the death penalty.

This is pointed out to me by a teacher I babysit for. What, does he think I'm going to end up killing one of his children one of these days? No; I do not think so.

4. Vote.

THIS IS ACTUALLY GOOD. :) The woman who mentioned this to me today said, "But only if you vote conservative Republican." Oh, I love her.

5. Serve alcohol.

If I ever decide I want to be a waitress, I will be able to assist my customers in getting drunk. But I will not be able to partake myself. I don't intend for alcohol to make it's way into my life just now, but thanks for playing.

Have I missed anything?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can also get married without parental consent! Or maybe that is 17...
