Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ever Important

Matthew 6:27
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

This verse is very familiar, but one that seems to need a lot of repeating. When your family is hurting or your friends are struggling, it's very hard not to worry about them. But look at it from Father's point of view. Our worry tells Father that we do not trust him to handle things. That is, of course, ridiculous. Father has a plan for everyone's life, He forgets no one, and He absolutely knows what He is doing. Worrying is a time wasting activity; instead of worrying, we should pray. Have faith in Father and let His peace rest your soul.

Last night at The Village was great. We sang "Come Ye Sinners" by Todd Agnew, a song that was unfamiliar to me but contained a line I loved.

Come ye sinners, poor and needy
Weak and wounded, sick and sore
Jesus ready stands to save you
Full of pity, love, and power
Come ye thirsty, come and welcome
God's free bounty glorify
True belief and true repentance
Every grace that brings you nigh
I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms
Come ye weary, heavy-laden
Lost and ruined by the fall
If you tarry until you're better
You will never come at all

This expresses to me so clearly how pointless our lives are without Jesus (which was the message last night). We cannot live on our own. Father built our bodies, provides us with air (and everything else we need), and protects us, loves us, cares about us. And maybe most importantly, Father defines us. As followers of Christ, we are not defined by our jobs, our families, our friends, but by our Jesus who lives in our very hearts. Go to Father with your struggles, your pain, your worry immediately. If you tarry until you're better, you will never come at all.

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