Saturday, May 30, 2009

Now it's truly Saturday

I got to sleep in today. It's such a nice feeling. =]

Matthew 6:22 says The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.

This verse is found in the midst of a passage about treasure and priorities. As children of God, we are instructed to store up treasure in Heaven rather than here on Earth, because the Earth will fade away but Heaven is eternal. This verse seems to be telling us to make certain we are using our eyes to look at things Father approves of. But I also think it may be saying something about how we express ourselves with our eyes. If we've invited Christ into our hearts to cleanse our sins, we have Him living inside us, and it is our job to let Him spill out of us and affect others. Simply smiling at someone can make their day, and we can shine God's light out of our eyes.

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